Thursday, March 26, 2015

Top 10 Lies of Religion: Part 2 (Profanity Included)

Dad loves you.  His love is very real and very powerful.  We’ve been led to believe that God loves us…but not too much.  His love is very reasonable, logical and fair.  He’s filled with joy when your life is fruitful.  However, when you sin, he gets sad and disappointed.  You break his heart.  Here are my thoughts:

Wake the fuck up. 

Get over yourself.  Your “bad deeds” didn’t make you a sinner (Romans 5:19).  Likewise, your good deeds don’t make you righteous (Romans 5:19).  Your standing with God has nothing to do with you!  I’m sorry if this stings your pride.  You were a sinner because of what Adam did, and righteous because of Jesus.  This means you can enjoy Dad’s presence whether you’re going to church or snorting a line of cocaine off a prostitute!  Either way, he’s looking at you with intense pride and unrestrained love.  How unfair is that?!

The only reason you’re thinking “That’s bullshit!” right now, is because you’ve heard the following lies:

1.)  God withdraws his presence when you sin.  He loves the sinner; not the sin. 
This subtle lie has the potential of doing the most damage to your relationship.  It’s self-righteous to think your sins can undo what Jesus did!  Are you more powerful than God’s love?  Why does God even hate sin?  Because it’s ugly?
No!  Because it causes separation!  What happened in the garden?  Adam got separated!  What happened at the cross?  Jesus got you back!  Let’s not make it complicated.  You think he withdraws from sin?  Not one inch.  He’s inside you; part of you now!  He’s already dealt with your sins on the cross.  Today if you ask for forgiveness, you’ll get a blank stare (Hebrews 10:17).  Followed by a smile.

2.)  God cares about morals, and desires Christ-like behavior.
Morals have nothing to do with God.  And Christ-like behavior is merely a fruit.  
Your good behavior doesn't impress Dad (Isaiah 64:6).  What amazes Dad is you!  He can’t take his eyes off you!  He sent his son to get you back; not to clean you up.  You got cleaned in the process!  But the main objective was to nullify that excuse for separation.  The next time the enemy condemns you with an accusation, just point him to your defense attorney, Jesus, who always justifies you (1 John 2:1)!

3.)  Jesus died for you, so now you owe him [with worship, good works and tithings].  
Haha, that’s funny.  I thought it was the gift of righteousness.  How self-righteous is it to think you could even pay God back?  

Worship is a response.  Here’s an example. Every day, I try to make my son smile.  Occasionally, he’ll say “I love you Dad!”  I never make him say that.  Why would I?  Similarly, you don’t “owe” Jesus any worship.  I’m pretty sure his angels do a much better job anyways.
Second, you don’t produce good works (Phil. 3:8).  They’re a fruit; a natural result of being connected to the vine.  And the fruit is for you!  It’s for you to enjoy, and also reveals your beliefs.  Here’s an example.  Encouraging other people feels good.  Enjoy that!  Additionally, the act of encouraging reveals you believe God encourages people!  Your behavior helps you see your beliefs about God!
And finally, tithing is a response.  If you aren’t excited about tithing, stop!  Dad doesn’t need money, and he no longer rewards good behavior (Galatians 3:25).

Dad loves you because he is love and is totally obsessed with you.  He doesn’t want you focusing on sin anymore.  Or good works.  Or even loving him back.  Nothing.  Just receive his love!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Believers Can Do Anything With Their Freedom

Believers are the most free and loved people in the entire galaxy.  God himself lives inside us.  We call him Dad; or friend, or brother.  His love for us is very powerful and very real.  Spending time with him, being held, is a relaxing and real sensation; unmatched by anything else.  We were made to live in his warm, intoxicating love…staring at him while he smiles back at us. 

The enemy hates how we feel when Dad smiles at us (which is 24/7).  We feel safe, desired, and loved.  The enemy can’t stand this.  So he accuses us; night and day.  And sometimes we hear these accusations.  These cause us to turn back within ourselves and away from that beautiful face that never stops gazing at us with love and approval.
So, let’s look at a few verses which give us permission to rest; allowing us to do what we really want: snuggle up with Dad as he holds us in his brilliant love.

A.D. 55.  Paul writes a letter to the church in Corinth (1 Corinthians).  These people had the pure message of grace from Paul for a year and a half.  After he leaves, however, the church condones sex with prostitutes, incest with mothers, court trials against each other, consummation of food sacrificed to idols…and its leaders do nothing.  How does Paul begin his letter to them?

I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.  For in him you have been enriched in every way…you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.  He will also keep you firm to the end, so that YOU WILL BE BLAMELESS on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.  (1 Cor. 4-8)

(Of course, Paul goes on to tell the church their behaviors are not consistent with children who know they are dearly loved…but they still are, and will forever be, blameless!)
A.D. 62.  Paul writes a letter to the church in Colosse (Colossians).  Essentially, the church was beginning to stray from the truth that Jesus Christ did everything for everyone.  What does Paul say?

Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds, doing evil deeds.  But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, WITHOUT BLEMISH and free from accusation.  (Col. 1:21-22).

A.D. 75.  Jude (the brother of Jesus) also finishes his one-chapter book with the words:

To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence WITHOUT FAULT and with great joy… (Jude 1:24)

So, what’s the point of all this?  The point is you have permission to keep staring at Dad and never leave his presence (like we even could anyways).  We are allowed to continue soaking in his warm light.  We get to hear him defend us while we feel his unconditional love, acceptance and happiness towards us.  We get to have long conversations with him every day and feel his kisses on our necks.
Without this knowledge, the enemy would have you focus on a much more boring issue: Sin.  You will spend your days thinking about sin; constantly looking at yourself while you try to rid yourself of that filth so that you can be clean enough to enjoy God’s presence.  Well, here is the truth that most people are afraid to say out loud: You do have a license to sin!  You have a license to do anything you want!  If you get saved, but then live a life full of sin…nothing will happen to you!  You will get to heaven and be presented to God without fault.  You WILL be blameless! But why would you choose sin? 

I know why. 

You would choose sin because you think it delivers.  You think God doesn’t want you to be happy like that.  You think God only gives lame gifts, but sin has much more enticing things to offer.  You think God won’t give you ice cream.  Ice cream would be too dangerous for you.  God only gives vegetables that taste nasty, but are nevertheless good for you.  If you want ice cream, you have to get it yourself.  God will have no part in that.  Satan has ice cream, but God just has sugar-free, dairy-free popsicles sticks that are good for you. 
Here’s a news flash: sin never delivers. 

The enemy is a liar. 

Dad loves you very much! 

Dad gives you anything you want (Mat 21:22, Mark 11: 24, Luke 11:9, John 14:13, 15:7, 15:16, 16:23).  Love, peace, acceptance, happiness, pleasure, power and freedom.
You are the disciple who Jesus loves!  But you won’t experience this to the fullest unless you tell your mind how free you truly are!  You can do anything in this life (good or bad) and nothing will stop Dad from holding you every minute of every day; all the while smiling at you.  It matters not what the enemy tells you, or the preacher, or your spouse, or yourself…you will always be blameless! 
So why not chase the person who actually delivers?  The guy who doesn’t give just ice cream, but a double-fudge brownie covered with ice cream topped with cherries and whipped cream…made with an ingredient that prevents stomach aches and weight gain.  Why not spend time with an amazing Dad who is madly in love with you and will give you anything you want! 

“And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more!” (2 Samuel 12:8). 
(Dad talking to King David at the height of his reign). 

God Will Give You Anything That You Want

This article is only for you.  This article is not for “other people"; it’s for you.  Here’s a cool experiment: as you read this article, focus on the feelings that surface from within yourself.  

For the next two minutes, imagine you believe the following…

I can ask Dad for anything and I will get it.


If I ask for 10 million dollars and a blue Ferrari…I will get 10 million dollars and a blue Ferrari. 
If I ask for happiness, peace and security…I will get happiness, peace and security.
If I ask for my child to never get sick...he will never get sick.
If I ask to hear Dad’s voice audibly, see his face clearly, and smell his perfume daily…it will be granted.

I only ask once.  After that, Dad takes care of it.  I can ask again if I want to, but I don’t have to.  He will give me anything I ask for.  Always.  This is what he told me:

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.   (Matthew 21:22)
You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.  (John 14:14)
[I chose you]…and so whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.  (John 15:16)
Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.  (John 16:23)

What’s Jesus talking about when he says “ask in my name”?  It means that since I’m a believer, I now live in Jesus.  All of my requests are echoed by Jesus to the Father.  
…Even if that’s not the exact meaning, apparently I am doing it:

In that day you will ask in my name.  (John 16:26) 
(Notice there’s no “if” statement following that verse.  It’s a period.)

Ok, ok.  I’ve had enough fun.  Now let’s address that anger you’re feeling.

1.)  I’ve asked for [insert whatever here], and didn’t get it, so this verse must not be true!
Answer:  I’ve laid hands on sick people and they didn’t get healed.  What does that mean?  Nothing.  Dad says when we lay hands on the sick, they recover.  That’s the truth.  My experience does not define truth; Dad does.  We don’t read the Bible and then go see if it’s true.  We read the Bible and believe.  If there is a discrepancy between the Bible and my experience, the Bible trumps my experience.  

2.)  I’ve asked for [insert whatever here], and didn’t get it, so now I feel embarrassed and ashamed.
Answer:  That’s the enemy.  He loves it when you’re scared.  Don’t listen to him.  Focus on the truth and Jesus.  When we lay hands on someone and they don’t get healed, we don’t look at ourselves.  We didn’t “do it wrong”.  We don’t go talk to our pastor to explain the experience.  Same thing with asking.  If I don’t get something, I just open the bible again to make sure I read the verses right.  Yup, sure enough; whatever I ask for!  End of discussion.  After this, I put all my confidence and belief on the fact that Jesus told me the truth.

3.)  God won’t give you a Lamborghini, because it could hurt you.
Answer:   Why are you pessimistically betting on pain?  Is it because you don’t have confidence in yourself?  Well, you are a new person now who has lots of wisdom, is highly favored and deeply loved.  You’re safe.  The old thought process says, “God won’t give me unlimited freedom because it could hurt me”.  Guess what?  He did.  Through the cross, Dad gave you the power to do anything you want and still be righteous.  Now ask for that Lamborghini and step on the gas!!

4.)  God said he only gives good gifts…meaning he won’t give you bad stuff even if you ask for it!
Answer:  Amen to that!  I agree.  Dad is not some cold-hearted genie in a bottle.  He loves you very much.  If you don’t like something, it probably didn’t come from Dad.  He takes his role as “Awesome Gift-Giver” very seriously!  Never let anyone convince you that some lame “gift” came from Dad.  He is madly in love with you and is a creative genius!

5.)  I shouldn’t have to ask for anything.  God gave me everything at the cross and knows all my needs.
Answer:  Wow, check you out!  Believer of the year!!  Although that’s impressive, let’s find out what Jesus says about Dad knowing everything.  “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him; this, then, is how you should pray” (Mat. 6:8).  Although God is all-knowing and has promised to meet all of our needs, for whatever reason he still wants us to ask.  (I think it’s about relationship, personally.) 

I hope that helped!  For those of you who still don’t want to believe Dad will give you anything you ask for, I just have one question. 


Dad is awesome.  Why would you want to believe he has limits?  Is it because that helps you settle for less?  Does that belief help explain your experiences?  Or is it because you’re scared you won’t like Dad anymore if you ask for something, but then don’t get it?  At the end of the day, Dad is faithful.  He will meet you wherever you’re at.  But in the pursuit of a closer relationship with him, don’t kid yourself about the words Jesus spoke.

Dad will give you anything you ask for!  You don’t have to leave his side as life gets thrown at you.  You don’t have to solve your own problems.  Just tell Jesus to take care of it, and then go back to your conversation with him.  If you desire something, don’t leave his presence because you think he’ll say no.  Be straight with Jesus!  Communicate your desire and then listen for the answer.  Chances are, the answer will be yes!

Of course, you don’t have to.  But Holy Spirit is standing by…lovingly ready to serve you!