Thursday, April 2, 2015

Top 10 Lies of Religion: Part 1 (Profanity Included)

This post is for real, awesome people who are tired of hearing bullshit.

Although this might come as a surprise, your story is not unique.  It was my story too.  Here’s how it goes:
1.)  You heard how awesome Jesus was; so you went to church.
2.)  You were told you had to do a bunch of stuff.
3.)  Eventually, you stopped going to church.
4.)  You now enjoy life much more.

That last one is not sarcasm.  I honestly believe you enjoy life more since you stopped going to church.  Here’s what I have to say about that decision:

Good for you!  Seriously.  That was probably the best decision you could have made.

Now let me guess why you stopped going to church:
1.)  You’re not self-righteous.  You couldn’t care less about what other people think about you.
2.)  You wanted something real, and you didn’t find it.
3.)  The pastor was always hinting at good works.  Week after week, you felt condemned.  
4.)  It seemed like everyone was acting fake.  You’d rather hang out with real people.
5.)  You’re not an idiot.  You had a lot of questions about God, but no one could give you straight answers. 
6.)  You had no actual relationship with Jesus.

That last one was not your fault.  Why would you bother forming a relationship with Jesus, when he sounded so lame?  People told you that God wants you to worship him, but doesn’t really help with anything.  Screw that guy.  I wouldn’t want a relationship either.

But none of this is true!  If you really knew Jesus, you would know all that was bullshit.  But instead, the enemy fed you the following lies:

1.)  God loves the sinner; not the sin.  He withdraws his presence when you sin.
2.)  Jesus died for you, so now you owe him [with worship, good works and tithings].
3.)  Love is for other people.  Not you.
4.)  Who can know the mind of Christ?  Not you.  Stop asking questions.
5.)  People with gifts of healing and prophesy are super rare and super special!
6.)  You can’t really get drunk off the Holy Spirit.  Love is not a feeling.
7.)  God cares about morals, and desires Christ-like behavior.
8.)  God’s love is very soft.  
9.)  Why talk about Jesus, when you can talk about church!
10.)  Once you’re a believer, you can no longer do anything you want.

Wow, no wonder you thought God was lame.  I would too (and I did).  But don’t worry; it’s not your fault you believed those lies.  The enemy has been at this for a long time now.  His only real objective is to take your eyes off Dad; where all the power, love and freedom is found! 

Next week, I’ll unpack that top ten list I just mentioned.  For those of you who get excited about profanity, please stay tuned in.  Here’s a sneak peek of next week’s post:

Wake The Fuck Up.

Dad is bigger than all this bullshit.  His love is far more intense than you’ve ever felt.  Jesus is real, and if you’ve ever believed in him, he lives inside you.  He’s never left you!  He never will.  You’re stuck with the most loving, powerful person in the universe!  And he wants nothing!  …Except to love you and make you happy.

Stay tuned.  It’s gonna be awesome!!


  1. Humans were made for REAL life, not the pretentious crap that we have shoveled to one another via any or all "religious" scripts. As you said, it's a lie. What a horrible lie we have swallowed. That somehow I have to "act" a certain way to get my Daddy God to pay attention to me. For so many years we have faked it with God, thus faking it with each other. Did it really work? Does God like us to be fake and pretentious, hiding our genuine self?

    Well, he is God afterall, so he knows good and well when we are wearing a mask. Once again, what kind of message are we sending him when we act like that? We don't believe he will accept us just the way we are! I can hear him say, "Yuk!" How can he be genuine with us if we are not genuine with him?

    To me, the only way to test this....see if God really does accept me just the way I to be completely and utterly GENUINE with him--TRANSPARENT. I might add a warning for any reading this: when you open yourself truthfully to Daddy God, get ready for an avalanche of his overflowing, can't-stay-in-the-margins LOVE!

    1. Hey Mom!
      Thanks for the comment! Yeah, God is so much better than we have been led to believe! It's no one's fault we've believed the lies though. The battle is not with flesh and blood.
      And I used to think that he also said "Yuk" when we get self-righteous. However, the more I get to know Jesus, the more I realize that's not true. Jesus is hopelessly, head-over-heels, over-the-top, in love with us. Completely infatuated. You can be transparent, or you can hide. However, you're never wearing a mask. You are indescribably beautiful, every second of every day. Whether you believe it or not.
